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New White Paper for Funeral Professionals!

Unlocking the Future: Surprising Discoveries from Consumer Insights

For the last several years, SoCal Approach has been shining a spotlight on important trends in the deathcare industry through their partnership with

The Foresight Companies in publishing the FCCBS Study (Funeral, Cemetery, & Cremation Buyer Study.) Each year, thousands of the industry’s customers are surveyed about their experiences with and expectations of our industry. Additionally, their customer measurement program, SoCal CXP, has collected feedback from nearly 20,000 consumers (about the seating capacity of Madison Square Garden).

This white paper outlines some of these learnings, especially some of the counter-intuitive findings or those that may differ from conventional wisdom.


In a world where competition is more accessible to consumers than ever before, what level of service do we need to deliver to ensure customer loyalty? Will we get the same type of insights from those families we served as the ones who met with us, but ultimately chose to use a different service provider? In a digital world where it feels like others can control the narrative about our businesses using ratings and reviews websites, are there ways to turn the table?


While Unlocking the Future: Surprising Discoveries from Consumer Insights may include enough information, percentages, and charts to satisfy even the biggest of data geeks, the ultimate take away may be the simplest. If you are not collecting the RIGHT customer feedback, you are missing opportunities to improve business profitability.

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